ANTIQUE TRUCK JOYRIDES Monday, June 29, 2009

1925 Ford Model T T fire truck was brought to the Old Car Festival by Tom Collins of Nashville, Tenn

More than 600 cars and trucks in various conditions, dating from the turn of the last century into the early 1930s, lined the streets of the village, awaiting their turns to pass in review before historians Marty Bufalini, Bob Casey, David Liepelt and Glenn Miller.
Period trucks bring a special twist to the festival that often appears dominated by Ford Model A's and T's.
Tom Collins has a Ford T of a different kind, a 1925 Ford Model TT (Model T Truck) fire truck, which he brought up from Nashville, Tenn.
"This was a rural truck and I think it was originally from around here somewhere," Collins said, as he loaded family and friends onto the open (no cab) vehicle for a ride to his designated spot along Christie Street.
The truck's two tanks together hold around 50 gallons of water which would have been mixed with chemicals like baking soda in brass containers before being sprayed on fires, he said.
The "same day response" painted on the sides of the truck let you know it might be a while before help arrived. Collins pointed to several buckets on board, saying they were most likely used if a well or stream were available. Fire hydrants were not an option in the countryside.
"The chassis was built by Ford here in Michigan, then shipped to Logansport, Indiana, where it was converted into a fire truck," said Collins, adding that this was his fourth time at the Old Car Festival