ROAD TRAIN Sunday, June 28, 2009

I love trains and I love trucks. For a long time I thought the two were mutually exclusive, that is until I discovered road trains. Road trains are simply extremely large trucks towing anywhere from 3 to 6 full-sized trailers behind them. This allows trucks to move massive loads across barren areas where there are no train tracks, such as the center of Australia or the barren state of Nevada.
In case you hadn’t guessed already the road train is product of those crazy boys from down under. I discovered an excellent television hosted by Jeremy Clarkson called Motor World. In this series Clarkson travels to the different reaches of the world exploring their automotive history and culture. I found a segment of Motor World where Jeremy Clarkson is exploring the outback and takes an in depth look at road trains. He even interviews the gent who invented the concept of road trains. This a really great program and I will try to dig up more snip-its from it in the future